Will we have a spring?

Hello Angels, I'm sure you are all wondering the same thing that we are, Will we have a Spring? I know that our angels were just as excited as we were for our up and coming business to get new spring apparel in stock, unfortunately that now has to be pushed back (sadface).

Due to Covid-19 we have decided to postpone our Spring collection because I mean, lets be real, with Social- distancing being extended until April 30th we have nowhere to go.

However, we Will still be selling Mink lashes and Producing Lip glosses to keep our Angels with something new! Our staff is still taking this very serious and taking all precautions to make sure we stay sanitary in every way possible.

As long as USPS is open we will still be able to ship products effortlessly.  We want to thank you for your business.  Stayed tuned for many new releases once this Pandemic is over. We are praying for you all to stay safe and healthy.


Love, Jones 💜